Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Visual Itinerary

This is my attempt in visually grasping what I am venturing into by taking this course.  
My intentions lie primarily with my grad film with this being a visual expression of the tone I want to set for it.  The tornado is currently my main focus for the film and thus I made it the main focus of this image.  For the purpose of this course it represents the thick fog of what I do not know in experimental animation although in my grasping it I plan to tackle various mediums and apply it in different forms.

What the tornado descends upon represents what I know and am comfortable with.  It is the home of my main protagonist where he finds his comfort, created in the cut-out, watercolour medium I have previously ventured to experiment with.

The image is flanked by clouds illustrated with ink and watercolour, a more familiar medium that I may be putting aside for the purpose of this course- appropriately drifting away from the center of the image.

To summarize I left the caption, what comes after this, at the bottom to tie in the mystery that awaits me in 
a) Indicating the mystery of what happens to this home after being confronted by the tornado
b) Actually writing the following scenes of my grad film
c) Discovering the mediums I pursue in trying to visualize this moment
c) Finding out what happens to me after expressing what I am trying to express in my grad film